WMS – Manual Cycle Counting

1 General parametrization

1.1 Warehouse Management –> Setup –> Warehouse Management parameters

The default cycle counting adjustment type defines the journal type that is posted when cycle counting is executed. We use the default inventory counting journal “ICnt”:

The default cycle counting work class ID defines the work class that is used for cycle counting. Whitin the wine trading company, cycle counting is only executed in bulk locations:

The default cycle count work priority defines the priority of the cycle count work among all works created. The higher the value, the lower the priority is.

1.2 Warehouse management –> Setup –> Worker

The following parameters are relevant in terms if cycle counting:

  • Is a cycle count supervisor: Select this check box to allow the work user to approve quantity differences that are found during cycle count work.
  • Maximum percentage limit: Enter the highest percentage that a cycle count can differ from the expected quantity without requiring approval by a cycle count supervisor.
  • Maximum quantity limit: Enter the total quantity that a cycle count can differ from the expected quantity without requiring approval by a cycle count supervisor.
  • Maximum value limit: Enter the maximum amount that the cost of the inventory can differ from the expected cost without requiring approval by a cycle count supervisor.

1.3 Warehouse management –> Setup –> Warehouse –> Location Profiles

The following parameter needs to be activated in the relevant location profile:

2 Manual Cylce counting without cycle count plans

2.1 Parametrization

2.1.1 Warehouse Management –> Setup –> Mobile device –> Mobile device menu items

A mobile device menu item has to be defined that uses existing work which has been created manually beforehand. The work class ID “CCount” is aligned to the mobile device menu item.

By clicking on button “Cycle counting”, the user can define which information is already displayed on the mobile device and which information has to be entered manually:

2.1.2 Warehouse Management –> Setup –> Mobile device –> Mobile device menu

The menu item “Cycle count” has to be part of the mobile device menu:

2.2 Process Simulation

The process simulation is done on item level (not on location level), although both functions are available in D365:

The following item should be counted: “WINE003”

We invoke the function “Cycle count work per item”:

  • The item number and warehouse needs to be defined by using the filter
  • The parameter “maximum number of cycle counts” defines the maximum number of cycle counting work that is created. Cycle counting work is created per location.

As a result, three works have been created (on work per location). If a location possesses more than one item, the work shows different work lines.

Now, the cycle counting can be invoked on the mobile device:

The work ID is scanned:

The user now has to enter the quantity. It is assumed that we only find 47 bottles on that location (instead of 50 which are currently in inventory). Based on the unit sequence group aligned to the article, the counted quantity can be entered in different units:

Before the work is finished, the user has the possibility to tell the system that an additional item or license plate was found at the relevant location:

However, we assume this is not the case in our example an finish the work:

The work is closed now and a review needs to take place before the counting journal is posted. This takes place in form “Cycle count work pending review”:

By clicking on “Cycle counting”, the following form appears having the possibility to accept or reject the count. We do accept the count which leads to a counting journal posting:

Button “Derived Work” is to view details of the cycle counting work that is created after accepting the difference. The work is automatically posted and helps to trace inventory transactions:

The counting journal has been posted: